Thursday, January 8, 2009

Winter Solstice Seasonal Ale, Anderson Valley Brewing Company

Is this the one that taste's like a Fruit cake? If not, I think I found Fruit Cakes cousin or sibling. Bill seemed to think it tasted like a Pop Tart. "what kind of Pop Tart Bill? Strawberry Pop Tart slash Tootsie Roll, i.e.; processed food item. Which I'm sure if we flip back into our history books we'll see that Tootsie Rolls and Pop Tarts both have probably won "Gold Metals" but they aren't advertising this on their labels. Maybe I'm uneducated, perhaps I'm sticking my foot in my mouth. It's all in experience, and my experience with Beer is so small on the scales, but what i am learning is that I don't like in my beer what I don't like in all the other things I eat, so why make exceptions. I don't like Granolas bar sweetened with sugar, or fake pectin. It leaves a scratchy feeling on my throat and leaves me confused. What the hell did I just eat, isn't this oats? now translate this into beer. No syrup please. Now, I was going to leave the Sam Adams Chocolate Bock out of this, but now it's the perfect example. We shared a bottle of this over New Years with Bill's folks. They were so excited and saving this bottle for the right event. There is sad Dick Clark, and there we are with our Chocolate Bock. That almost rhymes, anyways. The point of this is, that the Sam Adams Chocolate Bock was really good, because it did not taste syrupy whatsoever. it had a dry dark chocolate powdery taste what a nice change from the overly syrupy sugary taste. I like the dry (exception with Southern Tier Pumking - I suck it in and up, that shit is like crack if you can stomach pumpkin). Ok, back to the original purpose of this post. This beer is good, but leave out the syrup sugar taste. I feel like it's a shortcut. I give it a bronze.

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