Saturday, January 3, 2009

Tommyknockers Maple Nut Brown Ale

January 3rd - Tommyknockers Maple Nut Brown Ale

Bill again. I am from New England and get absolutely silly about maple syrup. If you have some syrup that is not purely syrup and contains Fructose Corn Syrup in your cabinet or restaurant, I immediately judge you as a douchebag and remove you from the running in my will, losing your chance at inheriting my coin collection when I fly away to the magical spirit world on the back of a giant golden dragon.

So, I was giddy to drink a maple beer and for at least three sips I kept trying to tell myself that I liked what I was tasting but I eventually had to concede that the teency weency maple aftertaste does not merit slather the label the misleading title thereby using and abusing the good name of Maple.

If this beer were a maple tree, I would cut it down and make it into Pottery Barn furniture instead of tapping into it. Don't get me wrong, it's not a bad beer, it's just not remarkable. (which is ironically causing me to write a ton about it). It tastes comparable to Boddingtons which is the only Nut Brown Ale that I can think of off hand. The beer has no "bite" which is the Barq's rootbeer taste test, It is watery and I think it sort of numbed my tongue, but not in a pleasant alcoholic way, more like I just bit my tongue. The flavor is not complex or rich or whatever, it just sort of tastes brown.

I give it 2 out of 4 flapjacks. I wouldn't kick it out of bed, but I had better have drunk something else to have found myself in bed  with this boring, frumpy, unimaginative sexual partner one night stand of a beer.

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