Tuesday, January 13, 2009

11. Chocarrubica - Birrificio Grado Plato

So this interruption from the winter beer schedule is brought to you be my wonderful job at Lilly Handmade Chocolates. We sell a ton of great beers and this one got taken to a wedding show and then on the way home the flip cap got bumped and it started to leak a bit, so I got to take it home. After a great evening of drinks at Prosperity with our pal Mike, we retired to his house to take care of this leaky Italian beer.

I'm not sure if the leakiness had something to do with it, but this was the foamiest beer I have ever seen. It's brewed with carob and cacao beans and you definitely taste it. It doesn't taste like chocolate beer, but you the carob and cacao notes are there, I'd say more carob than cacao, which is good because I like carob, but usually only when it's getting to be authentically carob instead of trying to be a poor stand in for chocolate, which generally never works. We had a chalk board handy while we were drinking, so we took notes. Things that got put up were: foamy ass beer, really good, tastes like trail mix, raisins, chocolate covered cherries. It definitely smelled like trail mix, that delicious mix of nuts, dried fruit, and chocolate. It wasn't super dark, but it was really rich and I unfortunately couldn't drink that much of it, but Jordan and Mike managed to finish it off. This beer should get 5 out of 5 carob pods, it was that good.

Also, Kelly and Bill, the next time I see you I have a special banana beer treat for you.

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